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6 Things to Do Right Now for Wine Money This Weekend

6 Things to Do Right Now for Wine Money This Weekend

Entertaining one’s self on the weekend can be an expensive endeavor. If your budget is feeling the pinch, you may be able to get relief with some of these ideas  about what to do right now for wine money this weekend.


No, we don’t mean you should spend the afternoon sitting in front of slot machines next to a woman in gold shoes who is chain smoking Kool cigarettes. Making just a bit of side money at the bar by engaging unsuspecting patrons is an exciting way to make a bit of cash, though.

For ideas, check out these quick videos:

This guy from Quirkology is ready to show you 10 amazing bets you can always win. Just in case none of those speak to you, here are another 10 bets you will always win.

Sell yourself

This is legit. You could make $300 to $500 in a weekend on People who are new in town may want someone to show them around. If you are willing to let someone practice their English with you, go to a movie, or even just watch sports with, this is a great way to make a bit of money on the side.

Members pay a fee, but the “friends for rent” don’t.

If the idea freaks you out, rest assured. The founder, Scott Rosenbaum isn’t tolerating any funny business.

The rules are strict. The site clearly states, “We have a very strong stance on physical contact. There is no physical contact at all during your time you spend with a member! is NOT a dating website.”

Do you have more than 500 Instagram followers and live in Chicago?

Share photos on Instagram through Popular Pays and get free stuff (including free drinks) instantly. You can learn more about becoming a Creator for Popular Pays, here.

The site is expanding to other cities, so keep an eye on it if you are interested but you don’t live in Chicago.

Bring your friends to the bar

Guest bartenders make big bucks in New York City. Here’s a list of places that are constantly looking for someone to bring twenty of their closest friends for a night out on the town.

Rumor has it that guest bartenders bring in between $50 and $300 in one night. Other large cities with a lively bar scene offer similar gigs, as well.

Sell those brand name clothes you aren’t going to wear

If there’s a Buffalo Exchange or Plato’s Closet in your town, this is a sure thing. Brand name clothes that are less than a year old and in good condition sell like hotcakes, and these stores will give you cash up front.

You may have to wait around for a bit while they go through your stuff, but if you have a closet stuffed full of expensive clothes but no cash for the wine bar, this is one of the paths of least resistance.

Get rid of that tangled mess of precious metal in your jewelry drawer

Pawn shops aren’t just for desperate people who need a quick loan. If you have a few things that you know are real gold, sell them! It pays to do a bit of research first, though. 

Pawn shops won’t give you the best price right away so get more than one estimate. You should definitely weigh your gold so you understand exactly how many grams you have.

Here is a comprehensive article on the subject with some great advice about how to not get ripped off. Who knows, you may have several weeks’ worth of wine money that you didn’t know about.

By Rachel Morey, FemmeGuru Contributor

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